I've been asked to compare the past and the present of the transport, leisure and education.
- Transport. It is likely that if our grandparents could see the current transport means, they would be amazed. In the past, transportation was tough. It was either train or walking because only rich people owned cars. Besides that, infrastructures were very poor and transportation was very slow, for instance, it could take several days crossing Spain.
Today the situation has changed a lot. The infrastructures have improved much with the construction of highways and better roads, and not only that, everyone has a car and the cars are better. Moreover it has been built an amazing network of high speed trains. For instance you can travel by train from Madrid to Sevilla in less than three hours.
In addition to this, a new mean of transport has appeared: the airplane. In the beginning it only was accessible for rich people, but now everybody can travel by plane. It is likely the fastest way to travel.
- Education. This is a very sensitive issue for me, I am secondary school teacher. In this area the situation has changed widely. In the past, people couldn't afford to attend to school, they had to help their family. As a result, many people couldn't neither read nor write. Education was only for rich people.
Fortunately, nowadays everybody (at least in Spain) must attend to the school until they are 16 years old. After that, there are high school and university with scholarship what means that everyone can continue studying, even being a member of a family without financial resources.
From my point of view, this has allowed to build a fairer society.
- Leisure. There are two main differences nowadays respect to the past. First, today workers have four paid vacation weeks. That is a great advance. And second, tv has changed the way of enjoying free time. Even though I am not sure if tv has meant progress for our society.
In conclusion, it is not true that past is better than the future.
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