Monday, August 5, 2013

Monologue: How to choose a roommate.

I've been asked to talk about choosing a good flatmate.

I have some experience in this issue and I can assure that it is a really complex problem. I used to live with roommates when I studied in university and when I worked in big cities. It is impossible to know someone until she or he is sharing a flat with you.

Before choosing a roommate, you have to contact with potential candidates. Nowadays there are three different ways:

- Announcing that you are looking for flatmate in specialized websites, newspapers, bulletin board and so on. Then, candidates get in touch with you and you show them the spare room.

-  Speed flatmating. It is very similar to speed dating. In this case you have to attend to a meeting where there are people who have a spare room and other people who are looking for accommodation. If you select someone, you can make an interview before showing your spare room.

- Using your personal network of contacts. This is likely the best way to find a roommate. Your family, friends, or work's contacts will feel responsible if they are recommending someone.

In any case, after a brief meeting, you have to decide which the best candidate is. Therefore it is important to decide in advance what kind of person you are looking for. And to do that, you have to analyze which are your personal needs and then, you will be able to prepare a good interview.

There can be many different situations: you can be a people person or on the contrary you keeps yourself to yourself, you may be a computer geek, you can be very particular about order, you like to study at nights, you get into talking about politics, you are not at your best early in the day, you are vegetarian and so on.

Regardless of the chosen person, there will always be an adjusting process. You may find that the other person is very different in character. Anyway you have to be positive, and you have to try to adapt. Sharing can be a good chance to learn new interest or to explore new activities.

In conclusion, trying to find a good roommate is something you have to do, but you will never know the result until the lodger lives with you.

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