Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Monologue: Diet.

I've been asked to talk about Diets.

The word diet can mean two different things:

- The first one. In this case diet is when someone eats a small or limited quantity of food in order to become thinner. This can be combined with miracle products whose goal is to help reduce the weight.

Fortunately I've never been on a diet. I consider this type of diet is very dangerous for your health. If you go on a diet, you have to seek the advice of a specialized doctor. The problem in our society is that many people are on a diet that they have heard on tv or they have seen in a gossip magazine.  

- The second one. In this case diet is the food that a person usually eats. From this point of view, everybody follows a diet, the ingredients of this depend on your living style and your culture.

The diet has consequences in your life. For instance, the diet combined with a specific lifestyle is causing obesity in developed countries, even children are becoming obese.

Accordingly, the right issue should be healthy diets. What we understand for healthy diets is one which helps maintain or improve health.

Medical institutions consider that a health diet must include all type of food. Also, It has to be based in fruit, vegetables and legumes. On the contrary, it has to reduce salt and sugar consumption and it has to limit the calories intake from saturate fat.

On the other hand, the diet has to be combined with:

- Achieving an energy balance and a healthy weight.
- Physical activity.
- Breakfast properly.
- Resting 8 or 9 hours a day.

To conclude, every culture has its own diet. For instance we have Mediterranean diet, Americans have fast food, and so on. So we are lucky people, Mediterranean feeding is considered to be one of the best diets in the world.

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