Saturday, August 3, 2013

Monologue: How do you think the life will be in the future?

I've been asked to talk about how I think life will be in 25 years.

The first thing I have to say is that it's very difficult for me to answer this question. I am not a fortune teller and I am not sure about what will happen next year, therefore much less how it will be in 25 years. 

Moreover, the world is very complex, and for this reason I'll focus on exploring  trends in only a few aspects:

- Energy: Life in current world is based in oil consumption. Transport, food and everything in we can think in our advanced civilization depends on the use we make of oil. This situation will have to change because oil reserves are running low. One chance is to try to replace energy obtained from oil by alternative energies such as wind power or solar power. As an engineer I can see a problem, what we get from alternative energies is electricity and I am not sure it can replace all uses we give to oil.

- Transport. Current means of transport besides relying on oil are very polluting. It is likely in the next years the current car will be replaced by electric car. The Electric car doesn't pollute if electric energy derives from alternative energies. The main problem we have to solve is how we can store electricity in large quantities. On the other hand there is no solution for air transport.  

- Technology. From my point of view trends is this area are two: smaller devices and concentrated functionality in a single device. The best example of these trends are mobile phones, today they are smaller and smaller and they can be used for more things like Internet, GPS, and so on.

- Population. We are suffering a overpopulation today, and this problem will be worst in the future. There are more people every day to share finite resource like water, materials and so on. This situation can generate stress between countries. 

To conclude, I have to say that I am optimistic about our future. Despite challenges humanity has always managed to make progress. 

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