It is a very well-known fact that everybody has to overcome obstacles in their life. Some have to do it alone, while others have support. In my obstacle, I had the support of my father. Besides I am sure that many people would consider the bad situation I'm going to talk about as normal and that people usually suffer really worst situations in their life. But for me this one was important.
I'm industrial engineer and that anecdote took place when I was in my degree's fifth course. In that time, I was told when you got over the fourth year, the things become easier. You would have to work hard even then, but you have time to enjoy of life.
But what no one told me is that in my speciality (electricity) was the most difficult subject of my studies. Its name is "electrical machines". When June arrived I have failed all my exams of this subject even though I had studied hard. On the other hand all my group of friends were in the same situation.
I was discouraged because, as I have told you, I had studied really hard and my expectations in the beginning of the course were completely different. I came back at home depressed and I wanted to leave the subject and start another speciality easier.
However my father cheered me up. He told me that I was close to the end of my degree and it wasn't the time to surrender. He also gave me a good advice which was that I should study the tests of the last two or three years.
After studying all the exams and the subject during the summer I managed to pass. I felt grateful to my father.
In conclusion, something significant to overcoming a difficult situation is not to surrender and be persistent.
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