Friday, July 25, 2014

Monologue: Social issues that concern today and possible solutions.

Good afternoon. I've been asked to talk about social issues that concern today and how they can be solved.

To start with, I would like to say that there are lots of social problems in my country and it is a little bit difficult to choose the one that can be considered the most important. Besides it is difficult to provide appropriate solutions, they are really complex issues. In any case I'll try to complete the task.

In my view the most significant social issues in Spain are: the large number of people without job, the ageing of the society and the environmental pollution.

As to the unemployed people is a difficult problem to solve. In the long term the government should establish economic policies to get over the crisis, which is the cause of this situation. On the other hand, in the short term is important to avoid that unemployed people become poor and so, the government should subsidize to the people who has lost their job.

Regarding the ageing of the population the most significant point is that every day there are less and less workers available to pay the pensions of the increasing number of retired people. There are two ways to solve this. The first one is let foreign workers enter the country and,  the second one is to delay the retirement age of the current workers.

Eventually, the environmental pollution is a very serious problem. It has many different aspects, but one of the most urgent is the air pollution. It is caused mainly because our means of transport are based in the consumption of fossil fuels. So the cars, planes, trucks and so on are responsible for the pollution of the air. To sort out this is important to use more the public transport and change current cars by electric cars.

In conclusion, there are solutions to our social issues but all of them are very controversial.

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